Dear editor:
As you might be aware, along with your expected agronomic articles, I always enjoy your more personal stories in the magazine. Last month it was your comments about Pearl Harbor and being sure to purchase flowers for our wife.
This month, it was your comments about farm accidents and how the story is much bigger than just the immediate tragedy. Please know I appreciated your coverage of Pioneer’s donation (to the Henry County Grain Bin Safety and Training project in Dave Buck’s memory.)
But even more so, I appreciated your challenge to each of us when it comes to farm safety. Your words do influence… and I am reminded I should be buying flowers soon!
Dave Henderson,
Pioneer agronomy manager, Madison County, Ind.
Dave Henderson refers to two articles in the first paragraph. In “Take stock of what’s most important” in the February issue, Page 8, also online, Tom Bechman described his parents’ connection to Pearl Harbor. His father, Robert, was at one of the bases under attack on Dec. 7, 1941, and his future wife, Virginia Housefield, observed her 21st birthday at home in Indiana unaware of Robert’s fate. The article also underscored the fact that many younger people today appear to have lost contact with what Pearl Harbor Day means.
The reference to buying flowers for your spouse referred to “Will flowers bring back a spark?” February issue, Page 9, also online. The article observed that even though there are other ways to show appreciation for a spouse, farmer Garland Antrim’s suggestion of buying flowers just to say “I love you” carries a lot of merit. The second paragraph referred to “In memoriam: Ron Martin,” March, Page 5, about practicing safety in the woods. Logger Ron Martin perished in a freak logging accident in October.
Henderson also referenced “Accidents have far-reaching impacts” on Page 10 of that issue, also online, which referred to Dave Buck, Milton, who died in a grain bin entrapment in 2004. Pioneer is one of several companies who made large donations in Buck’s memory to Henry County Emergency Management. It is in the process of constructing a grain bin safety and awareness training center for both farmers and first responders.
Donations are still needed for this effort. Learn more about it in “Henry County facility to focus on grain bin safety,” February issue, Page 41, or online. Or contact Ron Huffman at or 765-524-4848.